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12/3/2009 12:41 PM (PST)
Recently, I received my Blue Cross bill informing me that my monthly fee for my husband and myself will increase to $364.00 per month starting January 2010. This amount covers emergency hospitalization. My husband is 52 years old and I am 51 years old. Financially life is tough, so I have started to look around and have recently been quoted a fee of $69.00 per month for both my husband and myself via Health Services Providers. This price will only cover 40% of the costs. Then in one year my fee will increase to Emergency care (40% of the cost, plus a patients advocate who will fight for an additionally 30% of the cost to be paid my Health Services Provider). I am scared. I need emergency medical care for both me and my husband, but at the same time I need to pay less and to be guaranteed appropriate medical care. My husband is a diabetic and Health Services Providers said that pre-existing medical conditions will be taken into consideration. I explained, also, that I had an emergency appendicitis operation recently and that Blue Cross paid for everything and that the total cost was $24,000.00 (including the surgery, doctors, tests, etc.) I was told by Health Services Providers that the cost should have been $12,000.00, and then subtracting the 40% Health Service Provider payment + 30% (patient advocate’s reduction cost ), my out of pocket cost would have been about $ 4,000.00. I am scared. Is this the only fee? I noticed that there have been some complaints against Health Service Providers for not providing the care that they claim to provide, but then again, I am absolutely desperate to reduce my medical expenses. Can someone out there please provide a reputable solution for me? Kind regards, Lisa Johnson Smirnov 1293 South La Luna Ave. Ojai, Ca 93023 montmoriah@att.net.
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