Jonathan A.'s review of

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 2/5/2013
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Done and Done
A few months ago I was pulled over for speeding and issued a speeding ticket by a California Highway Patrol. I couldn't believe that I was pulled over because I knew that I was in fact not speeding. It was the worst feeling.... When I got home that day I started looking into how to beat a speeding ticket in California. The first thing I noticed was that hiring a lawyer and having them go to court for me was not going to be a cost efficient way to beat my speeding ticket. I did some more research and discovered trial by written declaration. Not only would I not have to go court to fight my speeding ticket in California, but I didn't have to hire an overpriced lawyer either. Instead I looked into a few different companies that helped people put together their trial by written declarations. After doing my research, almost too extensively, I decided to go with a company called 2fixyourtrafficticket. This company was absolutely amazing. They had a team of traffic experts that knew exactly what to do. All I had to do was give them some basic information regarding my speeding ticket in California and they prepared a well written defense and I was on my way to beating my speeding ticket. Their work was extremely professional and they helped me understand the process and explained to me my options. When I received my trial by written declaration from 2fixyoutrafficticket, I could tell that their traffic experts were in fact just that, Traffic Experts. I felt extremely well taken care of and ready to beat my speeding ticket in California. All I had to do was send in my trial by written declaration to the court, which was organized and prepared completely by my traffic experts.... A month later I received a letter from the court and found out that I had beat my speeding ticket and did not have to pay the fine!! It was unbelievable. All in all I spent a fraction of what I would have spent on a traffic lawyer and never had to step foot in the courthouse.
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