christina w.'s review of All State Van Lines Relocation, Inc

All State Van Lines Relocation, Inc

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 12/30/2013
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After All State Van Lines received my deposit it was made abundantly clear my move and belongings were not a priority. They lie about not being a broker and they are. • Scheduled pick-up date: 9/24/13 with a back-up date of 9/25. Contracted delivery dates:
9/30 to 10/13 being the last date - Going from WA to PA • received a call from Jennifer M (All State Rep) 9/20 if we could reschedule my move for 9/30 which I could not agree too because I was driving cross-country for a job relocation and needed to arrive
by 9/28. • Nationwide Carriage Lines a company that All State Van Lines sub-contracted for pick-up arrived on 9/25. • I lived in a gated community and was the first townhome in the complex closest to the gate which was explained during my several conversations
prior to making my deposit. The movers would have to park on the street and walk 10 feet to the entrance which I was told would not be a problem. The movers arrived and immediately I was being told that they could not park there and that they were told by
the police to move because the ramp would be blocking traffic. Well, I wish that I was joking and told them once they turned the truck around the ramp would then be on the sidewalk not in the line of traffic. After that, I was told they would need to rent
another truck to transport my goods from a smaller "park-able" truck and then reload to the original truck for the out-of state move which would cost an additional $500 - $1000 o The police did not tell them to move, as a matter of fact the police were never
there. The real problem was that they truck was overloaded and that they did not have room for my belongings. I immediately called my contact at All State to state that I was in no way shape or form paying for a dispatch error and over-booking the scheduled
pick-up. The rep finally agreed that I would not be billed. o In the end, this would come into play as a “discount and compensation” • Once in the house, now I was being told that I needed to shrink wrap my couch, loveseat, and chair and would cost 92.00/piece.
Again, I called my rep because I was told by All State that they had "moving throws" for such items. o In the end, I did get billed for these. • The incompetent movers could not figure out how to get my couch down the steps and would not take any suggestions.
So, they left my couch! I was promised by Dennis, dispatcher at Nationwide, that if we could get the couch down the steps they would come back in the morning and I would be contacted. o We did get the couch down the steps (with ease), but Nationwide had no
intention of coming back for the couch and no phone call was received. o I had to pay an additional $125.00 to have the couch removed and thrown away. The couch was thrown away due to the movers putting the cushions on the moving truck, so even if I wanted
to sell the couch, I could not. o All State nor Nationwide Carriage feel responsible for reimbursement. The couch belonged to a set. • Estimated weight on moving estimate was 3,381LBS. Weight came in at 3200lbs. Requested weight tickets on 9/26 which they
could not produce. • Scheduled delivery dates were between 9/30 and 10/13 being the last day of the contracted delivery date. • 10/13 – came and went. I had to call and ask for an update. At that point, was told that Nationwide Carriage was having issues with
their trucks and my delivery date was now being moved to 10/18. o Still could not produce weight tickets • 10/18 – came and went. Again, I had to call for an update and was told their trucks are still “broken down.” New delivery date would be no later than
10/28. • 10/28 – Once again, I had to call for an update. I was told that I would not be delivered today, tomorrow or at all that week. • 10/28 – information was received that my belongings were now in a storage facility in FLORIDA waiting for a truck to make
a route to PA. • 10/28- The shipment was to go from Washington to Pennsylvania, nowhere near Florida!!!! After calling again on 10/28 to find what storage facility in Florida and who was paying for the storage, and when did it arrive there - I was advised
by my representative, Jennifer, that they would not release that information as "people" have broken into units and that it was information that could not be released to me. After she said that, I replied that I do not have access or a key to my belongings
and at this point your company has stolen my things. o At this point, I’ve spoken to Crystal, Sicily, and Stephanie all in Management and were absolutely clueless to the issues and were of no help. o I asked for the location of the storage facility to hire
another company to pick-up and delivery my shipment. All State would not release the info nor would they hire another company to deliver because their contract was with Nationwide Carriage. • End of day 10/28 – I received a call from Jennifer, advising me
that my shipment was en-route “Up North” and miraculously no longer in the storage unit after I mentioned theft and hiring another company! o Weight tickets still could not be produced. • 10/29 – Delivery date now 11/09 • 11/05 – Several emails later finally
received the weight tickets at 3200lbs. I asked for a re-weigh prior to delivery. o Weight tickets confirm that they had no intention of going back for my couch • 11/05 – Email communication asked for location update o Was told that the truck was now in the
Mid-West. A bit of a change for “Up North” • 11/06 – Email communication from All State - The truck is just getting done with the delivery in Salt Lake City, UT and will be going directly to PA for your delivery, no stops on the way and only shipment on the
truck. When a re-weigh is done, and if it does come in less weight, I will give the weight to my dispatch department that will give me the amount that is due to you. If you pay a portion of your balance with cash and delivery, they will refund you on the spot.
If paid other ways, they will send you a refund check. • 11/09 – truck was to be empty. Re-weigh ticket showed otherwise – 62,540lbs • Truck was so overweight that it could not pass over train tracks. They again, wanted to charge me $500.00 FOR A SMALLER TRUCK
RENTAL+ $125.00/25ft for distance to deliver. o I also did get billed for this, but was told that this was discounted. WE DID NOT USE A SMALLER TRUCK. • Called family members with trucks to assist in my move. All State then wanted to charge me a “Third-party
handling fee” of $350.00 because I called for assistance with the move to avoid having to pay $500.00 + distance. • Had to pay driver the balance owed of 1552.03(photo of final bill of lading) for them to begin. • Photo’s attached show how over-packed the
truck actually was. The workers (2 of them – IMG-0442 also shown destroyed goods) had to stand on other people’s belongings and unload other shipments just to get to my shipment. (IMG-0441 – photo’s 1-5) #5 shows how far he had to go back to view my belongings.
• Felix (Nationwide Carriage worker) was very forthcoming with how this company operates. He showed us his work-log of where and when my shipment was picked up. My shipment was not picked up in Florida, but in SPOKANE, WA ON 10/30. All State Van Lines lied
the entire time and my shipment NEVER LEFT THE STATE OF WA UNTIL 10/30. • Re-weigh (both tickets attached) which came in 59,700lbs. Weight originally charged - 3200lbs. ACTUALY WEIGHT – 2,840 – DIFFERENCE OF 360LBS. = OVER PAYMENT (360LBS X .60) $216.00. o
Driver of truck REFUSED TO GIVE ME THE DIFFERENCE OVERPAID WHICH WAS TO REFUNDED TO ME ON THE SPOT PER THE EMAIL RECEIVED FROM THE ALL STATE REP • After all of this- I was told that I would only be discounted 200.00 due to the inconvenience of them being late.
Last date of delivery 10/13 – ACTUALLY DELIVERED 11/9. My belongings never left the state of WA until 10/31 • 12/10 – NOW THEY ARE REFUSING TO GIVE MY REIMBURSEMENT FOR THE OVERWEIGHT PAYMENT o Based on the re-weigh that was performed, your actual weight came
in at 2840lbs which brought your balance from $2014.29 to $1,834.60. Prior to delivery the agent agreed to compensate you $200.00 for the inconvenience. At the time of delivery this amount was deducted from your balance due. It has been confirmed by both yourself
and the agent office that at the time of delivery you only paid $1,552 when in fact the actual amount that should have been charged was $1634.60. As a result of this, no further compensation will be issued. SEE FINAL BILL OF LADING ATTACHED – WHERE ARE THEY
COMING UP WITH $1634.60?? • They also do not FEEL RESPONSIBLE FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF MY COUCH AND FOR THE $125.00 I HAD TO PAY TO DISCARD THE PERFECTLY GOOD PIECE OF FURNITURE • Prior to loading my belongings on the truck photos were taken. Also attached is
the how they clearly lied on the inventory sheet of how my items were “supposedly” damaged prior to pick-up. • 12/10 – FIGHTING FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF WEIGHT OVERPAYMENT, COUCH, DESTROYED DESK, DAMAGED REFRIGERATOR, TORN AND DIRTY KING MATTRESS.
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