Cara R.'s review of CReWS 4 Kids

CReWS 4 Kids

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 7/5/2012
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Builds the Needed Confidence
My son is 4 and had been at Austrailian Swim School for almost two years and still was not confident in the pool. Thanks to Pete, he is confident and does not rely on mommy or daddy to help him if he gets into a tough situation...he swims to the side and can get out of the water all on his own--in 4 days. My 22 month old daughter had never been in a pool before working with Pete, but after 4 days (8-10 minute lessons) with Pete, she can find the edge and get herself out of the pool by herslef. I wasn't a believer, but the system works! Parents need to realize that they are not doing their kids any favors by not getting them pool safe. Pool safe is different than becoming a swimmer. The hard cold truth is that kids need to learn first how to survive in the pool. This involves a little struggle. Pete is terrific with kids---he is kind and matter-of-fact. He pushes students to be self-sufficient, which is what they need if they fall in to a pool and a parent is not around! I found him to be completely honest and dedicated to making sure our kids were safe before he finalized the program. This system is not for wimply parents, but it is healthy, safe and effective system. I found Pete's program to make complete sense to teach our kids how to struggle in a controlled environment until they develop the confidence and skills to get themselves to the side and out of the water without any help. I cannot thank Pete enough for building both of my kids' self-confidence in the pool. They are completely different now in the water. They love the pool even more. This is the best money I have ever spent in educating my children. I will reenlist him for more training down the line. As an educator, I find both his philosophy and teaching style highly effective and successful. I learned a lot by watching him with my kids!
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Hours   9-5, M-sat. Lessons by Appointment. We come to your home pool or arrange a pool for you. Phone   (714) 388-2330 Address  
Website Email
Contact   Pete Ruffu Other  
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