Nora C.'s review of CReWS 4 Kids

CReWS 4 Kids

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 8/23/2012
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Giving your child a priceless lifelong lesson
Our experience with Mr. Pete was And still is great. We have met him 3 years ago, while I was looking for a class where my 3 year old could become water safe. Mr. Pete came over to our pool, very professional, very military, which I have found out later. At that time, the class was spread during 10 days, 10 min. each day. Surely enough as promised, my son, by the end of day 5 was water safe and able to swim to the side and gets himself out of the pool in case needed. It was the end of the summer so, after class my son didn't get a change to practice his drills to much, so next summer I was curious to see what he remembered, so when I put him in the water, he swam to the side without hesitation. Fast forwarding to this summer, we have reconnected again with Mr. Pete to go to the next level. My son is 6 now and he is taking "safe in the surf" and he is doing great. He loves it. When my husband is with him in the pool he does his drills and than he gets to play.At some point, at the beginning of this year, I decided to put my son into a traditional swimming class for recreational purposes, but shortly I got upset with it, as it was a waste of time and money, my son didn't learn anything and we have decided to pull him out. Bottom line is that this class is worth every penny. You'll see what kind of skills your child gets to master and you will get all the bragging rights.
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Hours   9-5, M-sat. Lessons by Appointment. We come to your home pool or arrange a pool for you. Phone   (714) 388-2330 Address  
Website Email
Contact   Pete Ruffu Other  
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