Review 5/22/2008
This company is a scam. It needs to be removed from the BBB period, as it's not a legitimate company. This is not an angry review, it's proven through just a few minutes of research. Do not buy anything from this company. We encourage the BBB to follow our research and remove this company from the BBB period.
Please review:
1) The rip-off report (www.ripoffreport.com). Do a company name search for Elite Marketing. There were 32 results at last count, 7 or more of them are this company. They have stolen customers money, provided no service or below poor service, provided no refunds, and provided false/fraudulent leads as their product.
2) Broker Outpost (www.brokeroutpost.com). Do a site search for Elite Marketing. There are at least 3 pages of information showing how these fraud perpetrators work. Review all of the reports.
3) Complaints have been filed with the LAPD Financial Crimes Division, as well as the CA DCA (Dept of Consumer Affairs).
4) There is also a group consortium in development, combining experiences, documentation, correspondence proof, etc. to shut this company down and bring them to justice. If you have similar, please contact us.
5) My company's specific experience with this so-called company? We lost $1000.00 and many, many man-hours chasing the fraudulent leads they provided, and trying to track down this company for our refund. They are setup as a shell company where the calls go into a shared receptionist mail-stop, then there's no tracking after that point. Check it out.