MDRT Producer's review of First Annuity Source

First Annuity Source

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 10/19/2012
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Dan, this is for you. Great Job
I did this as a favor to Dan, because he has really helped me make a lot of money this year. Their program is unique in that you have to have the right expectations. You can't just expect to show up at someone's home and expect that person to have their bank statements and tax returns ready on the dining room table for you. Anyone that thinks that hasn't been in the business for very long and I will bet any amount of money will never be a million-dollar Roundtable member. I go into every appointment with the expectation that the person knows someone has called them and verify that the information they were looking for is accurate and based on that I tried to explain how just a few minutes of my time may help benefit their future financial situation. In many occasions, especially the wealthier clientele, I bring gift cards with me. Their leads on very expensive and neither are gift cards that helps me get in the door and make a proper presentation. This program is meant for a producer, someone who understands the business, someone who understands annuities, not someone who is waiting for a lay down because it's never going to happen. I spend at least $10,000 a year with them and I make a significant return on my investment each and every year. If you have any interest in finding out more from you directly send me a message may be more than happy to get in contact with you.
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