never paid off my trade
we traded in our 5th wheel and purchased a new trailer in November 2013. we paid McMahon's the loan amount ($17,000) less the bluebook trade value ($19,000). then all of a sudden in late march I start getting calls from the loan company that my loan account was now past due. apparently McMahon's never paid off the $38,000 loan that they were obligated to by law and left me holding the bag. I contacted McMahon's and numerous times and on numerous occasions "assured" me it was paid off; all lies. not only did they fail to pay off my loan but they continually lied bold face to me and never flinched. truly soulless - true con artists. then come May and McMahon's doors are closed, phones disabled or "mailboxes full" and no way of contacting them. I started working with my attorney to force them to pay off the loan and they are now giving my attorney the runaround. my credit is hanging in the balance while I wait for a court date to sue McMahon's.