N R.'s review of My American Movers, Inc.

My American Movers, Inc.

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 10/22/2013
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Misleading Quotes lead to Unsatisfactory.
REVISION: I was contacted shortly after posting this review from someone at the company. They wanted to make things right. After a length discussion, they felt we deserved a fairly substantial refund. I commend them for reaching out to us in an effort
to ease the sting of the large disparity between the quote and final price. I'm changing my review to 4 stars, only because of my initial review, plus, this whole process shouldn't of happened. That being said, with their willingness to make amends, I can
safely recommend this company to someone, just be a little wary on the distance time, make sure you account for a large truck. Thank you American Movers! It's good to have companies caring about their results. Very appreciative. ----------------------------------------------------
Original Review: After getting several quotes from different companies, I decided to go with My American Movers with their quote of $654 which included their hourly rate plus the 9% fuel charge and the double back time . There scheduled arrival time was between
8-9AM and they showed up at about 8:25AM, no problem so far! 2 guys showed up and proceeded to get to work. I would say their speed was sufficient, they were both pretty dedicated to getting the job done, but I felt a little more team work and efficiency would've
sped things up. About 45-50 minutes after we arrived at our destination, they showed up(Mission Hills to Escondido). They started the unload process, which, again, I felt some better planning would've made things much faster, but not for a lack of effort,
minus the fact that one of the two guys took several phone calls during the unload process. Everything up to this point was still pretty okay, I'd give 'em about 4 stars right now. Then, after everything was unloaded and the pay portion started, one guy left
and the other guy totaled everything up. It came out to be $880. Everyone is extremely confused at this point, and explains that between the materials used for packing(2 couches, a bed, a coffee table, 2 dressers and a night stand) plus the distance, that's
where the extra $230 came from. The issue was the quote was for a 2 1/2 hour commute and it took them 3 1/2 hours to get there. The commute they quoted us for was by car, essentially, not by a truck going wayy slower. This is NOT OKAY! You are very well aware
of this situation as the company. This is an intentional low-ball quote JUST to get your business to slap you with a significant fee later on. The mover, while explaining why it was more, also stated that they started at 8AM, I corrected him and said no, it
was closer to 8:25AM, he disagreed with me and again said 8am, I told him he could look at his call logs in his cell phone or my cell phone if he wanted, I knew the exact time because I checked it earlier. It didn't make a difference, but it irked me that
he tried to justify the huge gap in expensive by saying they arrived quite a bit before they did, and then argued with me about it. Throughout this process, they guy billing us(white guy) began to talk about how much he hates this part, because he's the one
who has to deal with the company giving bad quotes to people, and that he is the one who does the billing because no one who speaks English, so they make him do it. He calls in to run my CC for the additional difference(since we weren't expecting a $235 difference
in quote to actual cost) and it takes about another 15 minutes before he can get someone on the phone who can charge the card. They did their job well enough, but bad company practices like this are an absolute no-no. I don't blame the movers, but they represent
the company they work for. I don't know another company I would recommend instead, but it would not be this company. If you do take them, be ready for their quote to be off.
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Hours   Open 7 days a week!! Phone   (818) 781-9957 Address   14705 1/2 Oxnard Street
Van Nuys, CA 91411
Website   http://www.myamericanmovers.com Email   myamericanmoversinc@yahoo.com
Contact   Rebecca Vincent Other  
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