Rosa M.'s review of Pacific Island Logistics and Storage, Inc.

Pacific Island Logistics and Storage, Inc.

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 5/16/2011
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Review 5/16/2011
(also posted to the & Pacific Island Logistics websites) I saw your coverage of issues others have had with Pacific Island Logistics movers & wanted to share my experience with them. I was looking for someone to help me move the final contents of my home in PA to Maui along with my recently deceased husband's longboard surfboard. I found Pacific Island Logistics who was offering free shipment of a longboard but they had not shipped yet from the east coast.... I contacted them & they were so wonderful & happy to accommodate me. They hooked up with a local PA moving company who came to my house on July 8, 2010, inventoried everything, & loaded it on their vans. They said they would be crating everything & it would then be trucked across the USA to California. I then sold my house in PA & moved permanently to Maui, HI. After many phone calls with apologies from Pacific Island Logistics, I was finally told my items had arrived in Maui & would soon be delivered after others' shipments in front of mine in the warehouse were removed. i asked if my items were still crated & was told it was all loose but i was assured my items were safe & separated from others. My shipment was delivered to my new home on Oct. 6, 2010 --- one day shy of the one year anniversary of my husband's sudden death & three months after the shipment was picked up in PA. My son & his family came up to my home to help me receive the items. Several very nice men from Honolulu unloaded my things from the truck. I asked if they wanted / needed to review my inventory list from the original pick-up in PA but they said they didn't have a similar listing nor needed to review it. We were so happy to finally have our things & everything seemed fine. However, as the men emptied the truck they were about to unload a motorcycle which was not mine. I told them it wasn't mine & they seemed surprised & re-secured it in the truck saying maybe it was someone else's delivery. The next day I realized I was missing four separately packed items. Three of the four items were not of big concern --- my husband's walking stick, my favorite kite, & a box of mixed items. But one item was very important--- my husband's beloved engraved ukulele. I immediately called the delivery company but they said I needed to call Pacific Island Logistics, which I did. I offered to come down to their warehouse to look for my things, gave them the missing numbers from the inventory list, & was told they would investigate the situation. I called back again & again & again over the next many weeks. I was nicely told each time that they were trying to contact other people who had deliveries at the same time to see if they possibly had received my items. I called back again & again, always being promised I would receive a call back from them.... but nothing. Finally when I became very upset telling them Mike's ukulele was something very important to me & my family & that I was extremely angry at their lack of service, I was told there was nothing more they could do & I should talk to the owner, Tom. I was promised that he would call me far too many times. I have heard nothing from them that I did not initiate. Honestly, I have stopped calling Pacific island Logistics as it is all too raw & hurtful to me. They assured me my belongings were safe with them. They never warned me that the one of the most important items to me may be lost. But now my son & my grandson don't have Papa's engraved ukulele to play, we only have pictures of it in his arms. I understand that accidents happen but they have been unable / unwilling to offer me even basic information as to when my belongings were uncrated, when items were last inventoried, or what may have happened to my lost items. I sob as I write this & am so angry at their lack of basic human kindness. Thank you for your investigation into their practices. I would not want others to deal with them. Mahalo. - Rosa
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