Randy Davis' review of Pike Real Estate Mortgage and Development

Pike Real Estate Mortgage and Development

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 12/7/2007
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Review 12/7/2007
I am writing on Behalf of Thomas & Pike Real Estate Mortgage & Development.


This is supposed to be a PROFESSIONAL, ACCURATE, reflection of a company and its products and services, not a bulletin board or blog to air out false accusations, personal problems, or self insecurities!

I am not only a VERY satisfied client of Mr. Pike, but have also become a friend due to the assistance that he has given my family in saving our home from foreclosure and assisting 2 of my friends in establishing a very successful investment group in Seattle Washington.

I initially had Thomas’s company assist me about 3 years ago in the purchase of my home here in Elk Grove, Ca. Not only was his agent very helpful, but she encouraged us to wait for what we wanted rather than jump on the first home that looked nice. Once we made our offer, Thomas had to come in and negotiate with the seller’s agent as they were not very agreeable to our terms or believe in our ability to complete the escrow. Thomas was able to get the deal thru when we thought it was going to be hopeless.

Last year when the market changed, we went to Pike Mortgage to do a refi, and cash out. Against the possibility of getting a higher commission, Thomas advised us not to cash out and to maintain our existing loan. Instead of listening to Thomas we refied, cashed out with another company and got ourselves into an almost foreclosure situation. Thankfully, Thomas was able to assist us and we are still in our home!

My friends have since made 4 purchases within their investment group and are doing quite well. Once I am in a position to invest, I will definitely request Thomas’s assistance.

I have also sent emails to these friends asking them to submit reviews here in hopes to support and show people the successes that have and are continuing to be made with Thomas Pike’s company.

Additionally, we also had the unfortunate frustration of receiving spam from Paul Brighton, claiming to be Mr. Pike via both normal email and thru a MYSPACE email account under the name of Melissa ( I will be retaining these emails for Mr. Pike in the event he pursues legal action against the person / persons involved in this attempt at slandering his company and personal character).

I have read Mr. Pike’s responses to these reviews and have sent emails to everyone I know that has worked with Mr. Pike in hopes that they will submit reviews to discredit all this negativity. I seriously hope BBB does not remove the positives as quickly as they are to add the negative ones.

Please email me at randy.davis10@gmail.com

Randy Davis

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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (916) 635-2902 Address   2256 Baywater Lane
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Website   http://www.linkedin.com/in/pikerealestate Email   pike.thomas@yahoo.com
Contact   Thomas Lee Pike Other  
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